Cognitive Neuroscience
The human cerebral cortex contains billions of neurons that are organized into well-defined laminar structures, and the neurons in each layer have thousands of interlaminar and cortico–cortical synaptic connections with other neurons. Human development and learning processing are thought to shape both the laminar structural and functional organization of the cerebral cortex, something that is unique to human beings. Direct mapping of laminar-specific activity in the human brain is an exciting approach that promises to provide insight into human brain circuitry. Further, it will also open a new window in elucidating the basis of disabilities in severe mental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, the ultra-high-field fMRI at 7 T is developing into a mature technology that has already had a major impact on neuroimaging. Our lab focus on improving the imaging quality of laminar fMRI and help in the understanding of human cognition from a laminar neuroimaging perspective.
Medical Devices and Materials Engineering Section Cognitive Neuroscience
Professor YANG Jiajia
Associate Professor TAKAHASHI Satoshi
Medical Devices and Materials Engineering Section
Cognitive Neuroscience
Approaching human brain function across multiple spatial scales using laminar fMRI
Medical Devices and Materials Engineering Section
Cognitive Neuroscience
Study of the mechanism of stereopsis imperfection and recovery method for causing physical and mental fatigue