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TOP   Health System Management

Health System Management

Among the SDGs, the science and technology research for the creation of innovation, especially in the medical and health care field, is the most important issue. The rapid aging of society with a declining birthrate is changing the structure of diseases in society. In addition, medical care is becoming more sophisticated, and medical costs continue to increase. The needs of patients for medical care and medical institutions are also changing, and the social environment surrounding the management of hospitals and other medical institutions is undergoing major changes. It can be said that medical institutions are at a major crossroads where their reason for existence is being questioned and how they will survive. We aim to construct the theories for building organizations, formulating strategies, and motivating human resources while effectively using and allocating finite human resources and funds in the clinical practice of medicine and the development of new therapeutic methods.

Health System Management


Healthcare Sciences Section Health System Management

Professor WATANABE Toyohiko