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Introduction to Fields of Reseach

Introduction to Fields of Research

The word “health” as used by our graduate school refers to “all states of human health and happiness, unaffected by illness or disease.” “System” refers to “a network of composite parts and their associated interrelationships.” Together, “Health Systems,” as seen in the name of our graduate school, means “the network of composite parts and their associated interrelationships that allows for human health and happiness.”

Organizational Chart for the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University

At the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, we concentrate on the knowledge and skills acquired by students in their area of expertise throughout the course of their master’s degree and departmental studies. At the same time, we conduct interdisciplinary education and research that extends beyond the scope of their specified field of study.

Medical Bioengineering Section

Medical Devices and Materials Engineering Section

Healthcare Sciences Section

Human Care Innovation Section