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TOP   Research   Study of the mechanism of stereopsis imperfection and recovery method for causing physical and mental fatigue

Medical Devices and Materials Engineering SectionCognitive Neuroscience

Study of the mechanism of stereopsis imperfection and recovery method for causing physical and mental fatigue

In these days, many VDT workers and young people have binocular stereopsis imperfection. Especially young people who keep the viewpoint to nearness for a long time may be damaged to the growth of stereoscopic ability. 
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of stereopsis imperfection focusing on cooperation between binocular stereoscopic vision and motion, binocular convergence and accommodation, and to develop methods to restore binocular stereoscopic function.


Medical Devices and Materials Engineering Section Cognitive Neuroscience

Professor YANG Jiajia
Associate Professor TAKAHASHI Satoshi