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TOP   Research   Ultra sensitive measuremets system for immuno reactions using a SQUIDs

Medical Devices and Materials Engineering SectionAdvanced Electro Measurement Technology

Ultra sensitive measuremets system for immuno reactions using a SQUIDs

A magnetic immunoassay (MIA), which utilizes functionalized magnetic nanoparticles, is expected as a sensitive and rapid measurement tool for biological materials. In our group, MIA with high-TC superconducting quantum interference devices (HTS-SQUIDs) have been developed to realize the MIA system with the highest sensitivity. In addition, magnetic characteristics of magnetic nanoparticles which affect MIA is evaluated using HTS-SQUID based measurement system to realize highly sensitive MIA. We believe that our MIA system has excellent potential for early diagnosis of disease, contributing to improve our quality of life.

Ultra sensitive measuremets system for immuno reactions using a SQUIDs

Introduction of Researchers

Medical Devices and Materials Engineering Section Advanced Electro Measurement Technology

Professor KIWA Toshihiko
Associate Professor SAKAI Kenji
Assistant Professor WANG Jin