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TOP   Research   Strabismus (binocular vision) susceptibility gene

Healthcare Science SectionRegenerative and Reconstructive Medicine(Ophthalmology)

Strabismus (binocular vision) susceptibility gene

Humans and animals are using both eyes to have binocular vision. Strabismus is defined as malfunction of binocular vision and is a multifactorial disorder which has both genetic and environmental background with their undefined contribution. Genetic influence is evidenced by family history and phenotypic concordance between monozygotic twins. My research has previously identified new susceptibility loci, 4q28.3 and 7q31.2, for comitant strabismus, including both esotropia and exotropia, in Japanese. I now used different methods for genetic statistics to reach MGST2 and WNT2 as candidate genes for strabismus susceptibility. MGST2 knockout mice were made by CRISPR Cas9 technology and their neuronal changes are analyzed.

視覚を科学する!〔斜視関連遺伝子( 両眼視機能関連遺伝子)の解明〕


Healthcare Sciences Section Regenerative and Reconstructive Medicine(Ophthalmology)
Professor MATSUO Toshihiko