Healthcare Science SectionRegenerative and Reconstructive Medicine(Ophthalmology)
Investigator-initiated first-in-human clinical trial of photoelectric dye-coupled thin film retinal prosthesis
Okayama University-type retinal prosthesis (OUReP) is a new type of retinal prosthesis, so called photoelectric dye-coupled thin film retinal prosthesis. Stable photoelectric dye molecules with absorption spectrum of visible light are chemically coupled to polyethylene film surface. The dye-coupled film generates electric potential in response to light and stimulates nearby neuronal cells to induce action potential. The dye-coupled film, implanted in subretinal space of the eye, serves as a light receiver and an electric potential generator, and thus, replaces the function of dead photoreceptor cells in retinal dystrophy to send the signal to the brain.

Healthcare Sciences Section Regenerative and Reconstructive Medicine(Ophthalmology)
Professor MATSUO Toshihiko