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TOP   Research   What are the current status of medical activities and diseases?

Healthcare Science SectionPharmaceutical Biomedicine

What are the current status of medical activities and diseases?

We are asking “what are the current status of medical activities or diseases?” in this research project. The method is epidemiologically analyzing medical big data including the claims data.
What we have described so far are the trends of the followings: 1) polypharmacy that are problematic in elderly population (J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018), 2) antibiotic administration to common cold, that is a potential cause of increasing multidrug resistant bacteria (Fam Pract. 2018), and 3) relapse of tuberculosis (Epidemiol Infect. 2018).
These topics were not previously described sufficiently in Japan, while international consciousness is increasing related to the promotion of SDGs.
Through our research, we will continue clarifying a broader range of data on medical activities and disease trends in Japan, and will provide more accurate information which can be used for policy making towards achieving the SDGs.

What are the current status of medical activities and diseases?

Introduction of Researcher

Healthcare Sciences Section Pharmaceutical Biomedicine
Professor KANO Mitsunobu

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