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TOP   Research   Applied Cell Biology   Elucidation of Regulatory Mechanisms of Antibody Responses by Follicular Dendritic Cell

Medical Bioengineering SectionApplied Cell Biology

Elucidation of Regulatory Mechanisms of Antibody Responses by Follicular Dendritic Cell

Antibodies are proteins that are produced by B cells and plays an important role in eliminating the pathogen and cancer cells. Antigen-activated B cells form a specialized microenvironment called germinal center (GC), together with follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), in secondarily lymphoid tissues. In GCs, B cells differentiate to antibody-secreting plasma cells or memory B cells after improving the affinity of antibody. Now, we focus on the immunological functions of FDCs that play a critical role in the regulation of GC B cells responses. Firstly, we have established mouse FDC line, FL-Y, to develop an in vitro culture system that enables us to reproduce cell-cell interactions in GCs. Using this culture system, we identified the novel mechanisms for clonal selection of high-affinity antibody-producing B cells and molecular mechanisms underlying B cell- FDC interaction in GCs. Furthermore, we found that a novel function of FDCs, except for GC B cell differentiation.

Introduction of Researchers

Medical Bioengineering Section Applied Cell Biology

Professor TOKUMITSU Hiroshi
Assistant Professor MAGARI Masaki

Assistant Professor OHTSUKA Satomi

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